Anthroposophical Publications

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Artemis and the Artemision

by Peter Stebbing

With the ruins of the Artemis temple almost non-existent today, it is perhaps not surprising that little interest is generally accorded this 6th Wonder of the World. Yet we can still gain an idea of it and of the legendary statue of Artemis, from reconstruction drawings and archaeological finds — supported by literary and historical sources. Study of this important Greek Mystery Center can shed light on the cultural impulses appropriate for our time.

This unique research by Peter Stebbing is the first time in print, and has several color images to enhance the text. You can click on the cover image to buy this book at, to read or study at home.

Paperback: 28 pages
Price: 14.95
Publisher: Anthroposophical Publications (March 25, 2022)
Author: Peter Stebbing
Editor: James D. Stewart
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1-948302-18-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-948302-18-0
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.1 x 11 inches


This is a new (ad)venture for our initiatives, and comes with an additional financial burden. So, if you can, please help us — and the entire Anthroposophical community and all publishers of anthroposophical works — by purchasing one or more of these fine editions for your personal library. You can always research Steiner's works here and at other sites on the Internet, but you must agree, it is really nice to be able to curl up in your favorite chair to read and study the material at home!


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